Thursday, June 21, 2007


So here I am again feeling guilty as I read everyone elses blogs and don't do a post of my own. Thought I'd give a quick update on life in what we call the fast lane. It has been quite a ride these past several months. Bringing on board 2 chinese students for a 5 month stay, starting a new job, discovering we were going to have another baby, 6 weeks of morning sickness (I'm not complaining cuz I have a friend who is just as pregnant as me and she is still soooooo sick), celebrating the last few days of preschool and meeting Ryan's new Kindergarten teacher, celebrating Jacob's 3rd Birthday and my 35th, quitting my new job, surviving the Fraser River NOT flooding, 10 weeks of learning how to grow kids God's way (7 more to go, yeeehaaa!!). There are so many inbetween things that I can't even think about it all.

Our chinese girls will be leaving us next Thursday very early in the morning. This will be a huge load off my plate! Friday I will get my UltraSound. We are quite excited as we anticipate what the sex of our baby will be. We should know in a week or two! We have decided not to tell anyone what we are having until later in the pregnancy. I think we will let our family know before the baby arrives but we really want to keep it to ourselves so I hope we don't get bugged too much. We want to just enjoy knowing for ourselves for awhile.

Tonite I did some sewing. I have started the boys PJ's that I make them for Christmas every year. I make them 2 pairs and they wear them all year. I'm going to attempt to make a pair of maternity capri pants this weekend. I hope it's a success. I'll post a picture when I've accomplished this task. I'll try to do it for my 20 week profile shot! Heehee!

Well gotta get to bed. Have a great day everyone!