Our chinese girls will be leaving us next Thursday very early in the morning. This will be a huge load off my plate! Friday I will get my UltraSound. We are quite excited as we anticipate what the sex of our baby will be. We should know in a week or two! We have decided not to tell anyone what we are having until later in the pregnancy. I think we will let our family know before the baby arrives but we really want to keep it to ourselves so I hope we don't get bugged too much. We want to just enjoy knowing for ourselves for awhile.
Tonite I did some sewing. I have started the boys PJ's that I make them for Christmas every year. I make them 2 pairs and they wear them all year. I'm going to attempt to make a pair of maternity capri pants this weekend. I hope it's a success. I'll post a picture when I've accomplished this task. I'll try to do it for my 20 week profile shot! Heehee!
Well gotta get to bed. Have a great day everyone!