Friday, January 19, 2007


With the emphasis on WAS a happy soul! I've gotta be nuts to be sitting at my computer at 2 am in the morning writing a blog. I know I won't sleep now unless I write you all just a short note. I was on my way to bed when I looked out the window and saw this poor ole white man sitting slouched in my front lawn. This time I am not kidding you! I saw this man the other day and he was looking pretty happy. Every time I looked out my window he was there with a big smile on his face to warm my heart. Well, tonite when I looked at him sittin there on my lawn, well my heart went out to him and I thought I'd make him famous for a day on the worldwide web.
I'm not too worried about him though, I am sure he'll be back


Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Ok, to all you blogstalkers out there!! Although it is very late already, I felt I should leave just a little something for those of you who check to see if I've posted anything daily. I've been a busy girl and there is sooo much in my head right now that I can't sort it out to even blog about it! So I thought I'd fill you in on just one little incident I had the other day.

I was in WalMart buying a large bag of Purina Cat Chow for our barn cat and was in line to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a cat........ Duh! I was feeling a bit crabby so on impulse, I told her no, I was starting the Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care unit with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IV's in both arms.
Her eyes about bugged out of her head. I went on and on with the bogus diet story and she was totally buying it. I told her that it was an easy, inexpensive diet and that the way it works is to load your pockets or purse with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The package said the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy behind her. Horrified, she asked if something in the cat food had poisoned me and was that why I ended up in the hospital. I said no.....I'd been sitting in the street licking my butt when a car hit me. I thought the tall guy was going to have to be carried out the door.
Ok, it didn't really happen but I got you laughing right??

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I remember so well what it was like growing up an only child. I so badly wanted to have someone to play with. All my friends had siblings and it almost would make me feel like I wasn't normal. (no comments from the peanut gallery on that one!) I did OK though. I had close cousins and they would come over often. My mom would make a huge meal and everyone would come over for a feast. And of course, dessert would always be cream puffs! She's famous in our family for those.
My cousin Christine was my age. She's the one beside me. She had a younger sister Diane. She's the one front and center. Jeanette is the cutie in the picture on the right in the middle. She came along after they had moved away so I never got to know her as well. But I love her just the same. I was always a little envious of Christine for having 2 sisters. I remember one day when we were about 10 years old we were talking about being auntie's. We soon figured out that I would never really be one unless I married someone who had siblings. I was very upset about this! Despite the fact that we were cousins, Christine told me that if she ever had kids she promised that they would call me Auntie Lori. This really made me feel special. She doesn't know this but I thought about that promise all the time. Literally a decade passed and it was still just as fresh in my brain as it was the day she promised me. I never knew if she would remember that promise but hoped she would. Today Christine has 2 amazing boys, Jordan and Dylan(with help from a great husband named Dan of course). She never forgot her promise to me, for when Jordan was born, I was immediately honored with the title. Thanks Christine for always sharing your sisters with me and for giving me the honor of being an Auntie.

I thought of this story today as I watched my own boys look out the window together at the falling snow. I could feel their excitement and was so thankful they had eachother to share it with. I pray that they will always be close like they are in this picture. Best Friends! I love you guys!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Hello once again to all my faithful readers! Do I have any of those! I'd love it if you'd leave me a comment sometime. Keeps me inspired to keep on bloggin. Call me crazy but it's quite exciting when I see that someone has left me a comment.
So what to blog about today! Well, we are finished our first week in 2007 and I was thinking about how old I was and it hit me. This year will mark the year that I have officially been out of school as long as I was in. I feel like I just graduated. I mean I totally feel that way! (But then, I look at some old photos and I am quickly brought back to reality!
Well, it looks like another crazy storm is coming in to greet us. We are expected to get 15cm of snow tonite. The boys are excited so I hope it's still here when we wake up in morning.
This morning the boys went for one of their immunization shots. Ryan chose Jacob to go first. Smart for 5 years old hey!! Well, I expected a little more drama from Jacob but he didn't even move. The nurse said it's just gonna be a little poke Ok Jacob?! He says OK! and it was done. Ryan on the other hand wasn't as calm. I am convinced all the crying out was all drama because when the needle went in he didn't even flinch and when we told him it was done he just stopped and looked like he felt a little silly. He didn't even know he had already gotten the poke. All in all they were brave. How bad is it when your kinda glad you yourself didn't have to get one!!

So we had a nice afternoon this week and Dwain's brother came by to burn his Christmas tree and a few things and decided to stick around for awhile and play with Ryan. Ryan got some sidewalk chalk for Christmas and was eager to try it out. So was Uncle Ken. They drew a race track on the pavement to ride bikes on and Uncle Ken continued to add a few artistic touches while Ryan rode around. Here is a picture

Well if you've read my previous blog entries you will remember that I started a quilting club as well as started teaching on the side. Well so far I have had 2 students and really look forward to getting more. My first student was my friend Fiona. I haven't been able to show her masterpiece because it was a Christmas present and I had to let her post it on her blog first so as not to spoil the surprise. I really enjoyed this project as it was my first time working with photos in a quilt. It turned out amazing. Well done Fi! You did the old "Friday night" quilters proud!! Here's a picture of the proud new owners and one of the creator! Fiona made this a rag quilt on one side as seen to the left and like a regular scrappy quilt on the right. Here's a close up of what the ragged side looks like.
My next student was a friend of my sister Tammy. Karen also made a beautiful rag quilt. She went with a woven cotton so it feels soft like flannel. Very beautiful! I'd like to have this one for my own! Karen got a new sewing machine for Christmas so I hope I'll get to make another one with her sometime. Well done Karen!!
This week we had a new addition to my extended family. Little Eligh Benjamin was born on January 7th in Texas. Congratulations to the proud new parents Ben and Romay! You have just received one of God's greatest gifts! May God bless you as parents as you raise this little man!
So that's what kind of week it's been. I hope you all had a fun New Years and pray that it will bring you all good health and happiness. My New Years challenge for myself this year is to remember to make more time and a solid effort to nurture the friendships I have with my loved ones and to try to create as many new ones as I can. I think I've got my work cut out for me!!
I love you all! TTYL!