Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I remember so well what it was like growing up an only child. I so badly wanted to have someone to play with. All my friends had siblings and it almost would make me feel like I wasn't normal. (no comments from the peanut gallery on that one!) I did OK though. I had close cousins and they would come over often. My mom would make a huge meal and everyone would come over for a feast. And of course, dessert would always be cream puffs! She's famous in our family for those.
My cousin Christine was my age. She's the one beside me. She had a younger sister Diane. She's the one front and center. Jeanette is the cutie in the picture on the right in the middle. She came along after they had moved away so I never got to know her as well. But I love her just the same. I was always a little envious of Christine for having 2 sisters. I remember one day when we were about 10 years old we were talking about being auntie's. We soon figured out that I would never really be one unless I married someone who had siblings. I was very upset about this! Despite the fact that we were cousins, Christine told me that if she ever had kids she promised that they would call me Auntie Lori. This really made me feel special. She doesn't know this but I thought about that promise all the time. Literally a decade passed and it was still just as fresh in my brain as it was the day she promised me. I never knew if she would remember that promise but hoped she would. Today Christine has 2 amazing boys, Jordan and Dylan(with help from a great husband named Dan of course). She never forgot her promise to me, for when Jordan was born, I was immediately honored with the title. Thanks Christine for always sharing your sisters with me and for giving me the honor of being an Auntie.

I thought of this story today as I watched my own boys look out the window together at the falling snow. I could feel their excitement and was so thankful they had eachother to share it with. I pray that they will always be close like they are in this picture. Best Friends! I love you guys!


Lovella ♥ said...

Lori, I enjoyed your last few posts. I check every day and I'm glad you are back at it. My Internet service was down for a day and I had withdrawals. Love the auntie story and now you are a special auntie to little Shaye. She is blessed to be sure. Many people become auntie's and never give it a second thought that it is indeed a privilege

Fiona said...

Hey Lor, I'm glad you started posting again. I was waiting patiently and didn't want to bug you, but I stalk every day, so I too am glad you're back. I just wanted to let you know that you are a great Mom. I watch you give snuggles and love to those boys and it's great to watch. Any kid would be lucky to call you Auntie.