Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Ok, to all you blogstalkers out there!! Although it is very late already, I felt I should leave just a little something for those of you who check to see if I've posted anything daily. I've been a busy girl and there is sooo much in my head right now that I can't sort it out to even blog about it! So I thought I'd fill you in on just one little incident I had the other day.

I was in WalMart buying a large bag of Purina Cat Chow for our barn cat and was in line to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a cat........ Duh! I was feeling a bit crabby so on impulse, I told her no, I was starting the Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care unit with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IV's in both arms.
Her eyes about bugged out of her head. I went on and on with the bogus diet story and she was totally buying it. I told her that it was an easy, inexpensive diet and that the way it works is to load your pockets or purse with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The package said the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy behind her. Horrified, she asked if something in the cat food had poisoned me and was that why I ended up in the hospital. I said no.....I'd been sitting in the street licking my butt when a car hit me. I thought the tall guy was going to have to be carried out the door.
Ok, it didn't really happen but I got you laughing right??

Have a great day!!


Lovella ♥ said...

Yup, you definately got me. You are too funny. Thanks for posting something even if you did have to make something up.

Anonymous said...

HAHA what the hay!!! Crazy! I use to be a Cashier at Wal-Mart and ya I remember people like you all the time...you were those people that made the day go faster...haha...the gift to make time stand still or to speed up...wow now that would be an awesome gift... oh and ya you got me...laughing.

Jennie said...

That's very funny, Lori! I seriously can't stop laughing. :) :)

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

You got me...but seriously, Me and Mine do that kind of crazy stuff all the time.
When my folks were newly married they joined a church. This was right after World War II.
In an all adult ages couples Sunday School class everyone had to introduce themselves, and tell how they met.
My dad blurted out that he had been a sailor and my mom had been a woman marine. "I was reaching for a cigar butt in the gutter when she stepped on my hand."

My mom was used to my dad (60 years later, she is still going with the flow with him..) but for years afterward people would come up to my beautiful mom and whisper to her that she sure didn't look like a woman marine!
(believe me...she never was!)