Oh people! Here I am totally dedicated to reading all my friends blogs and so today I run across my name on someones link list. So I thought, wow, it's been awhile since I even looked at my own blog so I clicked on my own link only to find 5 new comments. Too funny people!! Aunt
Lovella, what could you possibly be waiting for me to say!
Hmmmm I wonder!!!
Well I guess I can let the cat out of the bag!
The last 3 months have been somewhat of a blur. Getting 2 new 10 year
olds in the beginning of February has proven to be more than I can handle. A new job with a month of full time work in training and all the other responsibilities that go along with 4 kids is really taken a toll on me.
Obviously God thinks I can handle a little more because what I didn't know when I started my job was that I was 3 days away from becoming pregnant! Yes I said it! The big P word! I hadn't even put in 3 days work! We only found out a few weeks ago because I was feeling so sick and it wasn't going away. I still feel green around the gills but at least I know why! I am hoping it goes away within another week! Today isn't such a bad day!
This morning we decided it was time to tell our boys. They have seen me laying on the couch
alot the past few weeks and have been repeatedly told they can't hop on my tummy or come jumping at me while I'm laying down. So I got Ryan up on my lap this afternoon and Dwain had Jacob. I asked Ryan if he'd noticed me
layin around
alot. He's says "not really" . I'm thinking o
ohh good! He doesn't think I'm a lazy lump! Anyway, I told him that there was something very special growing inside of me and his face lit up like a firecracker! He knew right away what I meant and he just started giggling. He immediately started rubbing my tummy and was talking to the baby and telling it he loved it. It was
sooo special. For the next hour he kept tackling me with hugs of excitement and has been including the baby in our activities today. I am
sooo happy he was so full of joy! Jacob on the other hand is sort of oblivious but I think he knows too
cuz he's watching Ryan.
So by the end of the first week of November we will have another addition to the family.
May we ask for your prayers for a healthy baby and pregnancy. This baby has surprised us all and I was not exactly doing all the good stuff you should be doing before you get pregnant because we weren't trying to. I know that God's hand is in this all and today it really has sunk in and become more of a reality seeing how excited Ryan is about it. Please pray that I will be able to avoid or at least manage the Gestational Diabetes with my diet if it comes my way as it has with the last two pregnancies. I am getting an
MP3 for my birthday in June so that I have something to listen to when I am on the treadmill but I haven't been on it more than once in the last 3 weeks because of the nausea. Please pray that subsides soon too!
So there you have it! God definitely likes to keep me on my toes. He's gotta be laughing to himself thinking, "And you thought YOU had it all figured out didn't you!!"
Yah, I guess I thought I did! I'm almost 35 years old and sometimes he still chooses to WOW me to get my attention! OK, You Got it Lord!!